Mastering the Pixel - Photoshop fyller 25 år

Adobe Photoshop runder 25 år, og for de som måtte befinne seg i California bør det være vel verd å besøke Computer History Museum i morgen. For de av oss som befinner oss i en annen del av verden, får vi nøye oss med å se dette tilbakeblikket:

Adobe Photoshop is one of the most successful pieces of software ever written. Now used by millions of graphics and photographic professionals worldwide, Photoshop has come to shape the entire visual environment of 21-century culture. Gum wrappers, subway signs, billboards, book covers, Hollywood special effects, posters, portraits, product packaging, brochures, animation, architecture, astronomy, fashion design, forensic investigations, medicine, industrial design, photography, web design—the list of Photoshop applications is almost limitless.

How did this remarkable tool come to be and what has been its influence on our lives and larger culture? Join us for a remarkable, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear the answers from three key people who made Photoshop what it is today:

Russell Brown – Original Photoshop evangelist
Steve Guttman - Original Photoshop product manager

Thomas Knoll – The programming genius who created Photoshop

Kilde: Computer History Museum

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