Bruk av mobilbilder

Fujifilm har gjnnomført en undersøkelse for å finne ut hvordan folk bruker bildene de tar med mobiltelefonen. Et klart signal om at Fuji forventer at mobiltelefoner vil bli en betydelig del av digitalkamera-markedet.

Faktisk viser undersøkelsen at så mye som 26% av bildene, som blir tatt med mobiltelefoner i USA, blir printet. Oppsiktsvekkende mye, noe jeg antar må skyldes at markedet ser anderledes ut i USA enn i Europa.

Analysts are estimating that 30 million camera phones will be in operation by the end of 2005 (se U.S. Photo Industry Review and Forecast fra februar i fjor), with projections that imaging capability and quality in mobile devices will continue to grow. Fujifilm continues connecting retailers to this burgeoning market and expects that opportunities to capture revenue from these images will increase.

Fujifilm Investigates Camera Phone Usage and Consumer Behavior
Fujifilm USA recently released findings from a camera phone behavior study completed by NPD Techworld, a division of The NPD Group, Inc. that supports the possibility of real and significant opportunities for retailers to profit from the growing acceptance of camera phones and mobile imaging.

The study polled more than 400 active camera phone users, resulting in some interesting insight on current and potential behavior - such as the fact that nearly 45 percent of participants said they have taken pictures with their camera phone that they wished they had printed. Other points include:
  • Currently, users print roughly 26 percent of camera phone images taken;
  • The most common reasons for not printing included image quality, simplicity of process and overall perceived cost;
  • Users are creative and "communicating" via images, with 92 percent storing and sharing images in a phone album or as screen wallpaper - while 30 percent email images to family and friends from their handset;
  • There is a correlation between the number of images taken with a camera phone and the likelihood they will be printed - those who print take nearly twice the number of images per month;
  • The study suggests camera phones are not replacing digital cameras, but supplementing them. More than 74 percent of camera phone users also own a digital camera; and
  • Similar to digital cameras, the most common subjects for mobile images are friends, family and children (80.1%), followed by pets (37.2%). But, the "always with you" characteristic of the camera phone tends to generate more "random" or "spur of the moment" images (29.8%).
Fujifilm Press Center - Building Paths to Camera Phone Prints.

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